Stroud News and Journal - Memorials

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Notice Type:
In Memoriam

Tim Davies

TIM DAVIES In loving memory Died peacefully in Cheltenham Hospital on 30th August 2022 aged 80
Published on 30/08/2023
In Memoriam

Anthony (Tony) Franklin

FRANKLIN Anthony (Tony) Much beloved husband, son, brother and uncle. Always in our hearts.
Published on 23/08/2023
In Memoriam

Ann Elizabeth LAWRENCE (nee Smith)

LAWRENCE Ann Elizabeth (nee Smith) Of Whiteshill 25.05.1939 - 23.08.2013 Ten years have passed but…
Published on 23/08/2023
In Memoriam

Darren Thomas Powell

POWELL Darren Thomas 13.8.71 - 13.8.13 Happy Birthday. Your name is so precious, It will never…
Published on 09/08/2023
In Memoriam

Darren Thomas Powell

POWELL Darren Thomas 13.8.1971 - 13.8.2013 Your photo stands in pride of place, A lovely smile…
Published on 09/08/2023
In Memoriam

Tony Alliss

ALLISS Tony Tragically taken from his loving family on the 26th July 1990 "When spiders webs unite…
Published on 26/07/2023
In Memoriam

Dr. Roy Lamb

LAMB Dr. Roy Three lonely years have passed since we sadly kissed you goodbye, forever in our…
Published on 12/07/2023
In Memoriam

April Janice Beard (nee Halliday)

BEARD April Janice (nee Halliday) 05.04.1952 - 05.07.2013 Deep in our hearts your memory we…
Published on 05/07/2023
In Memoriam

Ivy May Cook

COOK Ivy May Mum 27.05.1915 - 7.1.2019 WALLY - Husband 13.6.1941 - 1.10.2012 Thinking of you…
Published on 24/05/2023
In Memoriam

Jean Lawrence

LAWRENCE Jean 10-04-1939 to 19-04-2017 I miss you more than anyone knows As time goes by the…
Published on 19/04/2023
In Memoriam

Millie Halliday

HALLIDAY Millie 24.04.2018 A bouquet of Roses, especially for you, Sprinkled with tear drops,…
Published on 19/04/2023
In Memoriam

Michael (Mike) Overs

OVERS Michael (Mike) Mike worked and lived for many years in Stonehouse with his family and…
Published on 12/04/2023