THE famous 99 yew trees in the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Painswick will be available for sponsorship at £99 each from Thursday, after an appeal was launched to pay for their upkeep.

The Rev John Longuet-Higgins, vicar of St Mary’s, has launched the scheme because the congregation can no longer afford the £7,000 churchyard upkeep of the churchyard.

It is hoped the scheme will attract interest from residents and businesses that benefit from the beauty of the famous church grounds. The £99 covers the sponsorship of one tree for three years.

Six trees have been designated for smaller donations, which are also welcomed.

The trees will be numbered for 14 days starting on Thursday, March 26 and can be personally selected. Further details will be available in the church porch open from 10am to 4pm on Thursday or from Nigel Burt on 01452 810935.