THE tragic death of a Stroud teenager has meant five people's lives were saved and they were home for Christmas – thanks to her choice to be an organ donor.

Vicki Williams died at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol aged 18 on Friday, September 19, only seven days after being taken ill, of a blood clot in her neck which had moved to her brain.

Afterwards the family were asked if the UK Transplant Service could carry out her last wishes to donate, which they agreed too.

A 30-year-old man received a lung transplant, another man in his 30s received a pancreas, a 47-year-old woman received a liver transplant, a man a kidney and a woman a kidney.

All five transplant patients were expected to be home in time for Christmas.

Vicki, of Butterrow, Stroud, was preparing to start her first year at Exeter University to study law, to follow her dream of becoming a solicitor.

Alan and Kerry Williams, Vicki's parents, both carry organ donor cards and fully supported her choice to donate.

Mr Williams said: "Vicki signed the organ donor register when she was 16 – she was very keen to donate.

"For us, it's the obvious way forward. For something good to come from her tragic death is comfort and solace to us at this time.

"We are proud that Vicki has helped someone, and hope that others would do the same for us."

Donor transplant co-ordinator Sally Holmes, from Southmead Hospital, Bristol, said the service was very grateful for Vicki's decision.

She said: "We are very grateful for the decision Vicki and her parents made.

"There are still around 8,000 people on the UK waiting list – around 400 to 500 people a year will die while waiting for transplants."