COUNCILLORS agreed to limit the increase in its share of the Council Tax bill at a full meeting last week. 

At the meeting, councillors agreed to limit the increase in its share of the Council Tax bill to 0.61 per cent. 

That means that an average Band D council taxpayer will pay £199.64 a year, an increase of £1.21 per year or an extra 2p a week.

This will allow Stroud Town Council - which says it is committed to support the community through the cost of living crisis - to provide financial support to various community organisations. 

These include  Homestart, Paganhill Community group, Allsorts, Citizen's Advice, the Marah Trust, Lansdown Hall and the Subscription Rooms.

The council will also add £5,000 to its community budget to further support residents through the cost of living crisis.

It has also earmarked an additional £15,000 to install or renovate bus shelters.

"The cost of living crisis is having a huge impact on our community," said Stroud Mayor Stella Parkes.

"The Town Council is committed to supporting those groups and organisations helping people cope with the crisis.

"We want to ensure that Stroud continues to be a welcoming, healthy, thriving place."

As well as the Small Grants and Community Support Fund, the Council runs the Arts and Culture Fund and the Carbon Reduction Fund which award grants to groups and organisations in the town.

The Town Council is responsible for 20 green spaces and play areas in the town and manages the Cemetery and five allotment sites, the Four Clocks and floral displays.

It has a long-term programme for the planned replacement and improvement of play equipment at its playgrounds.